A Must Attend for Architects, Designers,
Contractors and Manufacturers...


4-hour: Sustainable Fenestration Design & Performance:
An Updated Approach to Save Energy, Increase Building Value &
Improve Worker Productivity
Thursday, January 31st  (10:30 am to 12:30 pm & 2:00 to 4:00 pm)

By National Fenestration Rating Council NFRC (MD)

Part One (2 hours)

This section discusses how the National Fenestration Rating Councils’ (NFRC) energy performance ratings programs provide design professionals with an avenue for achieving or exceeding fenestration building energy code compliance. This section of the course explains how standards for testing fenestration products are developed and implemented. It also explains how NFRC provides testing results in an easy-to-understand format that design professionals and consumers can use to make fair and accurate comparisons through NFRC’s Certified Products Directory (CPD), and online tool, which is accessible 24/7 for free. The information found in the CPD also assists manufacturers in designing products.   

After establishing this base-level of knowledge, the program introduces the International Energy Conservation Code (IECC), ASHRAE 90.1, and the International Residential Code (IRC). This prepares attendees to assess the fenestration requirements on specific projects by increasing their awareness of the minimum requirements for efficient design and construction for new and renovated residential and commercial buildings. Additionally, this section provides insight on how building energy codes provide a common foundation for regulating building design and points out how they can help save money by reducing energy consumption.

Learning Objectives:

1)   Understand how to interpret the NFRC energy performance rating label.

2)   Understand NFRC placement in ASHRAE and IECC codes and learn how to use the NFRC label to meet/exceed building energy codes.

3)   Understand how simulators use NFRC ratings to confirm thermal performance and how laboratories confirm performance, authorizing manufacturers to affix the NFRC labels to their products.

4)   Participants will learn the fenestration standards referenced in the energy codes.

5)   Participants will learn the impact that windows have on the energy efficient performance of buildings.

6)   Participants will have a better understanding of the fenestration requirements in building energy codes.

Part Two (2 hours)

This section explains how building designers can capture significant energy savings by strategically choosing and implementing high-performance glazing. After introducing the IECC and the IRC in the previous section, the course becomes more specific. It explains the 2009 IECC and ASHRAE 90.1-2007 fenestration requirements and helps attendees understand how  code-compliant fenestration is used in the energy envelope and highlights how manufacturers show compliance using the NFRC 100, 200, and the NFRC certification program.

The program then offers attendees an analysis of the methods for meeting certification and labeling requirements for site-built and factory-supplied fenestration. Attendees go on to learn about third-party performance simulation information, the plans submittal process, and the importance of Label Certificate validation by an NFRC-accredited inspection and certification agency. Finally, the course demonstrates the use of NFRC’s Component Modeling Approach Software Tool (CMAST) as both a design tool for developing specifications for high-performance fenestration systems and as an integral part of NFRC’s commercial certification program.

2 case studies will be presented.

Learning Objectives:

1)   Understand fenestration contribution to energy efficiency, particularly how NFRC’s energy ratings help design professionals manage heating and cooling loads.

2)   Understand how strategically selecting windows can increase occupant comfort and improve worker productivity while emphasizing NFRC’s third-party status.

3)   Understand how to reduce building energy consumption using energy efficient fenestration. 

4)   Understand the 2009 IECC and ASHRAE 90.1 – 2007 fenestration energy requirements for commercial construction.

5)   Understand the NFRC 100 and NFRC 200 documents and the NFRC commercial fenestration certification program and how it facilitates proof of compliance with building energy codes.

Understand how the NFRC Component Modeling Approach (CMA) Program and associated software (CMAST) are used as design and compliance tools for developing validation specifications.


4hr: Florida Laws and Rules for
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4hr: Overview of Grid-direct
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4hr: Lessons from 200 LEED projects
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4 GBCI and 4 AIA (HSW/SD) LU

7hr: PV Systems: A Technical and
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8hr: LEED Green Associate
Training & Exam Prep.

          Faculty: Tom Herron, MBA, LEED GA, Tom Herron has served as the communications and marketing manager for the National Fenestration Rating Council since 2007.  He is a member of the Board of Directors for the Sustainable Buildings Industry Council and an at-large officer on their executive committee. Tom holds an MBA from the University of Maryland.    
          Faculty: Ray McGowan, Ray McGowan’s is the NFRC’s Senior Program Manager.  Duties include operating the NFRC research, compliance, and international programs, working with many fenestration trade organizations such as ANSI, ASTM, ICC, ISO, and ASHRAE 90.1 Envelope SC, administering a DOE cooperative agreement, a State Department Grant, and marketing NFRC information.  He has a BS in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA in Finance.  Ray has spoken at ASHRAE, ENERGY STAR partner meetings, AIA member meetings, and fenestration technical meetings.    

        Questions on this course:
Tom Herron,
National Fenestration Rating Council (NFRC)
(240) 821-9505

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